Locator Kharkiv Oblast Kharkiv Medical equipment, medical equipment Medical products and suppliesMedical products and supplies Kharkiv
Medical products and supplies in Kharkiv
53Medtechnika Ortosalon
Street Poltavskyi Shliakh, 148/2, tel. 0(800)308-390 moreShop Medtekhnika Ortosalon and online store ortosalon.ua represent a wide range of such products: • Medical equipment for home and office (tonometers, inhalers, blood glucose meters, hearing aids,...Криотехника
Kharkiv, Balakireva Lane, 3, tel. +380(50)323-65-45 moreMedical products and supplies Криотехника located in Kharkiv, Balakireva Lane.Эльтон-мед
Kharkiv, Street Amosova, 48, tel. +380(50)235-31-77 moreMedical products and supplies Эльтон-мед located in Kharkiv, Street Amosova.Health products
Kharkiv, Street Metrobudivnykiv, 20, tel. +380(57)755-94-14 moreMedical products and supplies Health products located in Kharkiv, Street Metrobudivnykiv.Региональное представительство Omron Украина
Kharkiv, Street Poltavskyi Shliakh, 32, tel. +380(57)781-31-57 moreMedical products and supplies Региональное представительство Omron Украина located in Kharkiv, Street Poltavskyi Shliakh.Изделия медицинского назначения
Street Klochkivska, 111, tel. +380(57)715-44-63 moreMedical products and supplies Изделия медицинского назначения located in Kharkiv, Street Klochkivska.Еврореагент
Kharkiv, Avenue Heroiv Kharkova, 308, tel. +380(57)752-34-57 moreMedical products and supplies Еврореагент located in Kharkiv, Avenue Heroiv Kharkova.Гемопласт Харьковское представительство
Avenue Yuriya Haharina, 127а, tel. +380(57)737-28-18 moreMedical products and supplies Гемопласт Харьковское представительство located in Kharkiv, Avenue Yuriya Haharina.Укррентгенпром
Street Chervonomaiatska, 16, tel. +380(57)751-20-48 moreMedical products and supplies Укррентгенпром located in Kharkiv, Street Chervonomaiatska.Био-Роше
Kharkiv, Street Novhorodska, улица, tel. +380(57)714-20-70 moreMedical products and supplies Био-Роше located in Kharkiv, Street Novhorodska.Государственный научный центр лекарственных средств и медицинской продукции
Street Astronomichna, 33, tel. +380(57)720-63-01 moreMedical products and supplies Государственный научный центр лекарственных средств и медицинской продукции located in Kharkiv, Street Astronomichna.ТД Кампус Коттон Клаб
Arkhivna, 2, tel. +380(57)717-14-94 moreMedical products and supplies ТД Кампус Коттон Клаб located in Kharkiv, Arkhivna.Медицинские изделия
Avenue Lva Landau, 56/3, tel. +380(57)719-97-90 moreMedical products and supplies Медицинские изделия located in Kharkiv, Avenue Lva Landau.Status
Street Ahronomichna, 1, tel. +380(57)251-76-06 moreMedical products and supplies Status located in Kharkiv, Street Ahronomichna.Интернет-магазин Меднабор
Kharkiv, Avenue Liudviha Svobody, 32, tel. +380(96)013-89-01 moreMedical products and supplies Интернет-магазин Меднабор located in Kharkiv, Avenue Liudviha Svobody.Компания Ликы Украины Харьковский аптечный склад № 2
Street Yaroslavska, 5, tel. +380(57)712-11-34 moreMedical products and supplies Компания Ликы Украины Харьковский аптечный склад № 2 located in Kharkiv, Street Yaroslavska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 18:00.Интелла
Street Darvina, 6, tel. +380(57)706-34-51 moreMedical products and supplies Интелла located in Kharkiv, Street Darvina.Альфа
Street Iskrynska, искринская, tel. +380(50)527-31-21 moreMedical products and supplies Альфа located in Kharkiv, Street Iskrynska.НПК Мера
Донбассовский Lane, 17, tel. +380(57)780-72-76 moreMedical products and supplies НПК Мера located in Kharkiv, Донбассовский Lane.Торгово Производственное предприятие Медтехника
Street Severyna Pototskoho, 38а, tel. +380(57)294-19-78 moreMedical products and supplies Торгово Производственное предприятие Медтехника located in Kharkiv, Street Severyna Pototskoho.Максима
Arkhivna, 6, tel. +380(57)714-18-49 moreMedical products and supplies Максима located in Kharkiv, Arkhivna.Medmarket
Street Balakireva, 8/1, tel. +380(57)780-13-52 moreMedical products and supplies Medmarket located in Kharkiv, Street Balakireva. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 19:00.Medical equipment
Street Plekhanivska, 40, tel. +380(57)732-81-10 moreMedical products and supplies Medical equipment located in Kharkiv, Street Plekhanivska.ДиаМедТех
Street Pushkinska, 11/13, tel. +380(57)751-32-52 moreMedical products and supplies ДиаМедТех located in Kharkiv, Street Pushkinska.Компания Мартинекс
Kharkiv, Street Kultury, 18, tel. +380(50)303-48-41 moreMedical products and supplies Компания Мартинекс located in Kharkiv, Street Kultury.НТЦ радиоэлектронных медицинских приборов и технологий Хаи-Медика
Street Akademika Proskury, 18, tel. +380(57)719-04-78 moreMedical products and supplies НТЦ радиоэлектронных медицинских приборов и технологий Хаи-Медика located in Kharkiv, Street Akademika Proskury.Нива-Медсервис
Kharkiv, Street Akademika Proskury, 1, tel. +380(57)718-97-96 moreMedical products and supplies Нива-Медсервис located in Kharkiv, Street Akademika Proskury.Техноптроник
Kharkiv, Avenue Yuriia Haharina, 352, tel. +380(67)712-29-34 moreMedical products and supplies Техноптроник located in Kharkiv, Avenue Yuriia Haharina.Магазин Экомед
Street Pushkinska, 72, tel. +380(57)715-35-55 moreMedical products and supplies Магазин Экомед located in Kharkiv, Street Pushkinska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 16:00.Компания Биономика
Kharkiv, Street Velozavodska, 33а, tel. +380(50)971-55-56 moreMedical products and supplies Компания Биономика located in Kharkiv, Street Velozavodska.Компания Tredex
Street Kulykivska, 8, tel. +380(57)754-49-90 moreMedical products and supplies Компания Tredex located in Kharkiv, Street Kulykivska.Фирма Регард
Street Semyhradska, 12а, tel. +380(57)703-23-25 moreMedical products and supplies Фирма Регард located in Kharkiv, Street Semyhradska.Техникс-групп
Street 23 Serpnia, 62, tel. +380(57)781-09-05 moreMedical products and supplies Техникс-групп located in Kharkiv, Street 23 Serpnia.Ник Ускоритель
Kharkiv, Street Akademichna, 1, tel. +380(57)335-68-73 moreMedical products and supplies Ник Ускоритель located in Kharkiv, Street Akademichna.Улик Лтд
Kharkiv, Street Kharkivskykh Dyvizii, 20, tel. +380(57)719-29-01 moreMedical products and supplies Улик Лтд located in Kharkiv, Street Kharkivskykh Dyvizii.Научно-производственная лаборатория Гранум
Kharkiv, Street Yurivska, 17, tel. 0(800)500-561 moreMedical products and supplies Научно-производственная лаборатория Гранум located in Kharkiv, Street Yurivska.Аомия
Старомосковский Lane, 6а, tel. +380(57)717-15-01 moreMedical products and supplies Аомия located in Kharkiv, Старомосковский Lane.NMT
Street Chaikovska, 27, tel. +380(57)719-21-37 moreMedical products and supplies NMT located in Kharkiv, Street Chaikovska.Медицинские изделия
Kharkiv, Street Vorobiova, 14/5, tel. +380(98)401-02-87 moreMedical products and supplies Медицинские изделия located in Kharkiv, Street Vorobiova.Интернет-магазин ДиаЭксперт
Kharkiv, Street Myronosytska, 44, tel. +380(67)574-95-73 moreMedical products and supplies Интернет-магазин ДиаЭксперт located in Kharkiv, Street Myronosytska.Reis.in.ua
Kharkiv, Street Raievskoi, 17, tel. +380(95)088-80-95 moreMedical products and supplies Reis.in.ua located in Kharkiv, Street Raievskoi. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 16:00.ПКП Восток-Н
Street Pushkinska, 80, tel. +380(57)717-41-71 moreMedical products and supplies ПКП Восток-Н located in Kharkiv, Street Pushkinska.Медицинские изделия
Street 23 Serpnia, 58, tel. +380(67)576-07-54 moreMedical products and supplies Медицинские изделия located in Kharkiv, Street 23 Serpnia.Торговый Дом НТК
Kharkiv, Шаповаловский Lane, 8, tel. +380(57)784-04-80 moreMedical products and supplies Торговый Дом НТК located in Kharkiv, Шаповаловский Lane.Интернет-магазин Profi+
Street Viiskova, 33, tel. +380(95)679-80-06 moreMedical products and supplies Интернет-магазин Profi+ located in Kharkiv, Street Viiskova.ФОП Олин А.В.
Kharkiv, Street Velyka Panasivska, 37, tel. +380(67)173-31-23 moreMedical products and supplies ФОП Олин А.В. located in Kharkiv, Street Velyka Panasivska.Бестмед
Street Чуйковская, 93, tel. +380(50)323-72-60 moreMedical products and supplies Бестмед located in Kharkiv, Street Чуйковская.Медицинские изделия
Street Illinska, 61, tel. +380(57)706-34-52 moreMedical products and supplies Медицинские изделия located in Kharkiv, Street Illinska.Группотест
Лопанская Embankment, 1, tel. +380(57)717-33-44 moreMedical products and supplies Группотест located in Kharkiv, Лопанская Embankment.Экоурп
Street Bahrationa, 6, tel. +380(57)294-15-57 moreMedical products and supplies Экоурп located in Kharkiv, Street Bahrationa.
A brief overview of medical products and supplies in Kharkiv (Kharkiv Oblast)
Here on this page is collected information about medical products and supplies, located in Kharkiv (Kharkiv Oblast). Locator knows about 53 medical products and supplies near this place among them Medtechnika Ortosalon, Криотехника, Эльтон-мед and other , which are located on st. Poltavskyi Shliakh, ln. Balakireva, st. Amosova and other streets near. Here you will find the exact addresses, location map, ☎️ telephones, working hours, reviews about these medical products and supplies.
How many medical products and supplies in Kharkiv?
According to Locator data in Kharkiv operates 53 medical products and supplies.
Which medical products and supplies are best in Kharkiv?
Locator recommends to visit the following medical products and supplies in Kharkiv: Medtechnika Ortosalon, Криотехника, Эльтон-мед.
Where are the nearest medical products and supplies in Kharkiv to me?
To find out which medical products and supplies is closest to you, go to the Medical products and supplies in Kharkiv page and bring the Locator map closer to your location or click on the geolocation icon in the map control unit at the bottom right.
What are the prices for medical products and supplies services in Kharkiv?
Prices for medical products and supplies services in Kharkiv depend on the specific service and medical products and supplies. Locator allows all medical products and supplies to specify prices for their services. To find out about them, go to the link on the service page or see the prices on the specific medical products and supplies page.
Which medical products and supplies services in Kharkiv are better to use?⭐
We recommend that you contact medical products and supplies, which has a high rating according to Locator: Medtechnika Ortosalon, Криотехника, Эльтон-мед.
How to contact these medical products and supplies?
You can see the contacts for communication with these medical products and supplies pharmacies by going to their page. Locator provides the opportunity to contact by phone, email, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram and through internal messages on the site Locator.
Medical products and supplies in Kharkiv
Medical products and supplies by district Kharkiv:
Medical products and supplies by near subway:
23th Serpnya, Akademika Barabashova, Arkhitektora Beketova, Armiiska, Botanichnyi sad, Centralnyi rynok, Heroiv Praci, Hosprom, Imeni Maselskoho, Industrialna, Istorychnyi muzei, Kholodna hora, Kyivska, Metrobudivnykiv, Moskovskyi prospekt, Naukova, Oleksiivska, Palats sportu, Pivdennyi vokzal, Ploscha Konstytucii, Prospekt Gagarina, Pushkinska, Sportyvna, Traktornyi zavod, Universytet, Zakhysnykiv Ukrainy,