Locator Kharkiv Oblast Kharkiv Sporting goods store Kharkiv

in Kharkiv

  • Soldat

    Kharkiv, Square Yuriya Kononenko, tel. 0 (99) 207-77... show
    Kharkiv, Square Yuriya Kononenko, 1а, tel. +380(99)207-77-10 more
    Soldat located in Kharkiv, Square Yuriya Kononenko. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 22:00.
  • Харьковская Казачья Лавка

    Kharkiv, Street Kotsarska, tel. 0 (50) 650-80... show
    Kharkiv, Street Kotsarska, 20, tel. +380(50)650-80-95 more
    Харьковская Казачья Лавка located in Kharkiv, Street Kotsarska.
  • Магазин Спецснаряжение

    Street Rizdviana, tel. 0 (66) 755-54... show
    Street Rizdviana, 3, tel. +380(66)755-54-01 more
    Магазин Спецснаряжение located in Kharkiv, Street Rizdviana.
  • Reibert Militaria

    Street Chaikovska, tel. 0 (67) 579-52... show
    Street Chaikovska, 14, tel. +380(67)579-52-82 more
    Reibert Militaria located in Kharkiv, Street Chaikovska.
  • Харьковская Казачья лавка

    Street Kotsarska, tel. 0 (50) 650-80... show
    Street Kotsarska, 20, tel. +380(50)650-80-95 more
    Харьковская Казачья лавка located in Kharkiv, Street Kotsarska.
  • Магазин Форма

    Street Kotsarska, tel. 0 (57) 714-96... show
    Street Kotsarska, 30, tel. +380(57)714-96-35 more
    Магазин Форма located in Kharkiv, Street Kotsarska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 14:00.
  • Магазин военной одежды Military style

    Avenue Traktorobudivnykiv, tel.
    Avenue Traktorobudivnykiv, 59/56more
    Магазин военной одежды Military style located in Kharkiv, Avenue Traktorobudivnykiv. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 22:00.
  • Вулкан

    Saltivska Line, tel. 0 (66) 054-30... show
    Saltivska Line, вулиця, tel. +380(66)054-30-90 more
    Вулкан located in Kharkiv, Saltivska Line. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 17:00.
  • Ателье Индпошив форма

    Avenue Yuriia Haharina, tel. 0 (67) 796-20... show
    Avenue Yuriia Haharina, 131, tel. +380(67)796-20-92 more
    Ателье Индпошив форма located in Kharkiv, Avenue Yuriia Haharina.
  • Военторг Сапёрка

    Street Akademika Pavlova, tel. 0 (95) 396-29... show
    Street Akademika Pavlova, 303, tel. +380(95)396-29-86 more
    Военторг Сапёрка located in Kharkiv, Street Akademika Pavlova. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 20:00.
  • Maksigor

    Street Svobody, tel. 0 (66) 977-67... show
    Street Svobody, вулиця, tel. +380(66)977-67-01 more
    Maksigor located in Kharkiv, Street Svobody.
  • Спецодежда и военно-туристическое снаряжение

    Kharkiv, Street Kotsarska, tel. 0 (50) 109-72... show
    Kharkiv, Street Kotsarska, 3, tel. +380(50)109-72-32 more
    Спецодежда и военно-туристическое снаряжение located in Kharkiv, Street Kotsarska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 17:00.
  • Армеец

    Kharkiv, Street Universytetska, tel. 0 (93) 134-58... show
    Kharkiv, Street Universytetska, 4, tel. +380(93)134-58-44 more
    Армеец located in Kharkiv, Street Universytetska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 17:00.
  • Магазин Гвардейский

    Street Yaroslavska, tel. 0 (50) 913-64... show
    Street Yaroslavska, 2/2, tel. +380(50)913-64-19 more
    Магазин Гвардейский located in Kharkiv, Street Yaroslavska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 17:00.
  • Военторг Камуфляж

    Kharkiv, Street Karazina, tel. 0 (63) 746-05... show
    Kharkiv, Street Karazina, вулиця, tel. +380(63)746-05-92 more
    Военторг Камуфляж located in Kharkiv, Street Karazina.
  • Милитари

    Kharkiv, Avenue Yuvileinyi, tel.
    Kharkiv, Avenue Yuvileinyi, 7аmore
    Милитари located in Kharkiv, Avenue Yuvileinyi. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 15:00.
  • Магазин Армейский

    Street Yaroslavska, tel. 0 (67) 740-03... show
    Street Yaroslavska, 4/2, tel. +380(67)740-03-03 more
    Магазин Армейский located in Kharkiv, Street Yaroslavska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 17:00.
  • Военторг

    Street Molochna, tel. 0 (98) 041-67... show
    Street Molochna, молочна, tel. +380(98)041-67-63 more
    Военторг located in Kharkiv, Street Molochna.
  • Милитарист

    Avenue Yuriia Haharina, tel. 0 (57) 780-77... show
    Avenue Yuriia Haharina, проспект, tel. +380(57)780-77-47 more
    Милитарист located in Kharkiv, Avenue Yuriia Haharina. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 20:00.
  • Военторг

    Street Yevhena Kotliara, tel. 0 (67) 570-34... show
    Street Yevhena Kotliara, 4/6, tel. +380(67)570-34-55 more
    Военторг located in Kharkiv, Street Yevhena Kotliara. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 15:00.
  • Ателье по пошиву форменной одежды

    Kharkiv, Arkhivna, tel. 0 (57) 724-24... show
    Kharkiv, Arkhivna, 8/9, tel. +380(57)724-24-76 more
    Ателье по пошиву форменной одежды located in Kharkiv, Arkhivna.
  • Военная обувь Voku

    Kharkiv, Street Valentynivska, tel.
    Kharkiv, Street Valentynivska, 37/128more
    Военная обувь Voku located in Kharkiv, Street Valentynivska.
  • Вулкан

    Saltivska Line, tel. 0 (66) 054-30... show
    Saltivska Line, харків, tel. +380(66)054-30-90 more
    Вулкан located in Kharkiv, Saltivska Line. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 17:00.

A brief overview of in Kharkiv (Kharkiv Oblast)

Here on this page is collected information about , located in Kharkiv (Kharkiv Oblast). Locator knows about 23 near this place among them Soldat, Харьковская Казачья Лавка, Магазин Спецснаряжение and other , which are located on sq. Yuriya Kononenko, st. Kotsarska, st. Rizdviana and other streets near. Here you will find the exact addresses, location map, ☎️ telephones, working hours, reviews about these .

  • How many in Kharkiv?

    According to Locator data in Kharkiv operates 23 .

  • Which are best in Kharkiv?

  • Where are the nearest in Kharkiv to me?

    To find out which is closest to you, go to the in Kharkiv page and bring the Locator map closer to your location or click on the geolocation icon in the map control unit at the bottom right.

  • What are the prices for services in Kharkiv?

    Prices for services in Kharkiv depend on the specific service and . Locator allows all to specify prices for their services. To find out about them, go to the link on the service page or see the prices on the specific page.

  • Which services in Kharkiv are better to use?⭐

    We recommend that you contact , which has a high rating according to Locator: Soldat, Харьковская Казачья Лавка, Магазин Спецснаряжение.

  • How to contact these ?

    You can see the contacts for communication with these pharmacies by going to their page. Locator provides the opportunity to contact by phone, email, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram and through internal messages on the site Locator.

in Kharkiv

by district Kharkiv:

by near subway:

Akademika Barabashova, Akademika Pavlova, Arkhitektora Beketova, Centralnyi rynok, Heroiv Praci, Hosprom, Istorychnyi muzei, Metrobudivnykiv, Naukova, Pivdennyi vokzal, Ploscha Konstytucii, Prospekt Gagarina, Pushkinska, Sportyvna, Studentska, Universytet, Zakhysnykiv Ukrainy